Monday, August 29, 2016

Travelogue: Sunset at UP

At my 2nd year of taking A.B. English at NCBA, I came upon a project where we will select an English song and translate it to Filipino. After that we will make a music video with it. So as always, my friends and I were on the same group. We chose a song that seemed easy to be translated. When you say Nothing At All is the title of the song. Now, having a group where all the members (even me) are lazy bumps, we have not done any progress with our project. It was only until there was only a day left before the deadline where we started to act. We went to a studio to record the song, and looked for a place with good scenery. Then we came across U.P. The scenery was breathtaking. If only I had brought a tent, I would have stayed there. The wide field, the breeze of the wind brushing against your skin. It was all too relaxing. But what stunned me the most was the sunset I saw that day. If only I had a good camera that time I would have taken a picture of that beautiful moment. That sunset reminded me of my childhood days-- where I used to climb trees and sit at the branches while looking at the setting of the sun. The sun is almost gone and dawn is arriving. So we packed up and went home.

 I reached home and I was really exhausted. I lied down on my bed for a few minutes and then I suddenly remembered U.P. again. I am still recalling the image of the sunset that day in my head. I hope I could see that beauty once again.

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